Dancing / Forward Serge Lifar – Jérémie Bélingard From 15.02.2019 to 15.03.2019 Lifar’s Dazzling Masterpiece Meets Bélingard’s Innovative Choreography Serge Lifar’s dazzling masterpiece meets Jérémie Bélingard’s innovative choreography in a double-bill titled Dancing | Forward. Lifar’s crown jewel Suite en blanc is a brilliant neo-classical ballet – an amazing display of precision and beauty. Starting
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The Finish National Opera & Ballet Helsinki
The Finish National Opera & Ballet Helsinki presents A French soirée — Carolyn Carlson – Serge Lifar From 28.09.2018 to 20.10.2018 Two poetic dance stories A French soiree presents two totally different dance works – naturally with a good dose of French elegance. Carolyn Carlson’s Pneuma is sophisticated and philosophical, an ode to humanity. Serge
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